Exercise is the miracle cure that we have always had access to, but for far too long we have failed to take our recommended daily dose.

There are various research articles that show the importance of physical activity and how it can boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality & energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress and depression. There is also a strong correlation between exercise and the benefits of better performance at work, creating better interaction with our colleagues and an overall sense of going home feeling satisfied with our day.

Exercise has been proven to enhance our performance and the below benefits:

  1. Improved concentration
  2. Sharper memory
  3. Faster leaning
  4. Prolonged mental stamina
  5. Enhanced creativity
  6. Lower stress

Who doesn’t want to improve on the above performance criteria? Don’t just think about your own benefits here, but also how participating in physical activity can also improve the mentality and performance of your team. All our clients want to better themselves in these areas, we are not ourselves when we aren’t active, and we must prioritise our exercise. It is imperative for personal development and just as important as reading a book, whether it’s walking the dog in the morning, completing a short exercise video in your front room, or training for a marathon…Get up & get it done!!

We’ve left the office on our lunch break changing up our environment and surroundings to further stimulate the brain, we take on a light 3k run through the park. The commencement and completion of this important task has an immediate payoff for our mentality, the completion gives us a positive feeling that makes us happy- it makes us feel like WINNERS! The surge of energy, enthusiasm, and self-esteem we feel triggers endorphins in our brain, and we get a ‘natural high’ which makes us feel more confident, creative, personable and we have started the process of developing positive addiction to endorphins and exercise. We return to the office, and immediately feel enthused with passion and determination to smash our marketing meeting out of the park.

So lets set ourselves affirmations, let’s make this happen and concentrate on our physical and mental wellbeing. What are you going to do this week to create a healthier body, healthier mind, and better performance?

I will take the dog for a new walk and new route.

I will complete my first 10km run.

I will download and start ‘Coach to 5k’.

I will restart my gym membership and sign up to three classes this week.

I will go for a walk in the park on my lunch break.