Stitches and Cream - Online sales increased by over 10x - Truro - ActionCOACH

Stitches and Cream


Online sales grew from 5% to 50%

Total revenue increased by 46%

Increase of 5500 YouTube Subscribers

‘Tim made me focus strategically, questioned me and challenged me which I needed. He holds you accountable so you focus on all aspects of the business, not just the ones you enjoy.’

When Jane Abrahams, owner of Stitches and Cream came to Tim, the business was flatlining, the shop was reliant on footfall and online sales were ‘virtually non-existent’.

By encouraging Jane to focus strategically, and to hold her accountable on all aspects of the business, overall sales have grown by 44% in the time they have been working together.

  • Online sales were 5% of business, now 50%
  • Total revenue increased by 46%
  • Increase of 5500 YouTube Subscribers

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