Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

Book: 7 Strategies For Wealth and Happiness
Author: Jim Rohn
Score: 4.25 out of 5
Writing style: Basic writing style, very easy to read and annotate with various religious connotations.
Top tip: Read this book annually! A fellow Action COACH recommended that this book should be read every year over the festive break- filling you with positivity and determination ready to commence and tackle the New Year. Tim Hills top tip: Pages 18-40 are a MUST read for anyone in business wanting to know about the power of planning and taking action.

‘All leaders are readers’ Jim Rohn

Each month we hold a Book Club, where both clients and coaches get together to dive deep into our favoured book of the month. By taking accountability of our actions, we take time throughout the month to develop our mindsets and broaden our ideas of what will make our businesses and personal lives thrive & flourish. Whether it take you just two days to read the 156 pages, or your immediate thought is ‘where and how am I going to fit this into my day’, remember that books are food for the brain, set yourself some reading goals and  enjoy the experience. Pour yourself a cup of warm coffee, wrap up in your favourite blanket, and start working on YOU.
This month we unlocked 7 Strategies For Wealth and Happiness (1985), written by the late Jim Rohn. The book is simple and straight talking, mainly why Rohns’ content is used for inspirational quotes throughout the business industry. He famously speaks of wishing to ‘be better’ and through discussing the book we developed a consensus that many of Rohns’ quotes resonated within and are very applicable to the everyday tasks of life. Struggling to finish your 5k? Not submitting your weekly review on time? Not enough hours in the day? Well, actually we all have 24 hours in a day- so let’s be productive with our time, “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Do not wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom.” Jim Rohn
Reading the book enabled us to understand how imperative it is to take time to develop yourself, and this is crucial to improve on all aspects of your life. Take accountability, work on yourself, be the change you want to see and most importantly enjoy it, “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” Jim Rohn. If you want to improve on anything, the decision lies with you- yet so many of us look elsewhere for answers of blame to pass. Everyone likes to think they work hard, yet some individuals are more successful than others right? Luck and certain circumstances do come into play, and boy do we like to remind ourselves of this, but in reality the individuals who strive for more, who adapt, who grow, who take chances, who use their money wisely are the people we see achieving their- and sometimes our- dreams.